La Memoria De Una Ludisia (Sound Art Installation)

This is a short piece written by the dramatist Victoria Szpunberg.
It is the third piece of her trilogy The fragility of the Memory, based on facts that took place in the argentinian terror years, under the argentinian dictatorship, within the period 1976-1982. Some of this facts are autobiographic, and some others belong to different biographies.
It is written as a need for exploring the fact of the exile, and the fact of remembering, what to remember if one was there, and what to remember if one was not there but was told.

This short piece shows a day -nowadays- in the life of an exiled argentinian woman and her daughter. There are also the remembers and the fears that started in the past, and still remain, as a remorse, in her.

This piece was premiered at Sala Cuarta Pared (Madrid), in 2011, and it was showed along with the other two playwrights of the trilogy, namely, La marca preferida de las hermanas Clausman and El meu avi no va anar a Cuba.
It was presented at the hall of the theater, with an stereo set configuration, with a subtle light, and a frozen silence audience.

Category: Sound Art Installation
Text: Victoria Szpunberg
Directed by: Gloria Balañà
Sound design: Lucas Ariel Vallejos
Casting: Gloria Balañà, Laura Guiteras,